Thursday 27 January 2011

Apple Desserts

I have just read the most wonderful article in the Guardian Magazine this weekend on a bakery in Paris.  I can't wait to go one day.  (Sigh!)  It's called Du Pain et des Idées and is found at 34  Rue Yves Toudic. (

The article included two recipes, one called 'Tendresse aux pommes', and the other, 'Tarte Fines aux pommes'.  The simplist first!

Tarte Fines aux pommes

1 package of puff pastry
Ground almonds

Preheat the oven to 180C

1. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and unroll you puff pastry.
2. Sprinkle generously with ground almonds and scatter with sliced apples.
3. Add a few chunks of butter and 4 to 6 large spoons of sugar.

Bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until the apples start to look caramelsied.

1 comment:

Mary Jane Murray said...

Oh they sound lovely....if I had puff pastry in freezer or stale baguette or similar on counter, I'd be tempted to blow off my other tasks for the evening and make something fabulous with apples. Merci!