Sunday, 18 January 2009

Poor quality food for the poor!

I was reading an article today in the Observer about the quality of 'budget food' sold at super markets. How depressing! In Canada pork sausages have to be 100% pork. That obviously isn't the case in the UK because supermarkets sell 'value' sausages with only 40% pork and part of that 40% includes pig skin. Apparently, it's high in protein but would you want to eat it? I'm not certain that I would. There are even some beef pies that only have 18% beef in them and apple pies with only 4% apple. Even more of a concern is the fact that it would cost 1p at most to dramatically improve each one of those and of course, that isn't the choice of the supermarkets.
So, the poorest in our society eat the poorest of food. They suffer from malnutrition and their children under perform at school. And of course, with the economy as it is, even more people are turning to lower cost food.


Mary Jane Murray said...

Can it be called apple pie if it is only 4% apples?

Yesterday I opened a can of Chick Peas to add to a salad. I tossed them in some dressing and tasted...they tasted weird, like chemicals. They were a "Great Value" house brand which I probably bought at a cheap price. I didn't want to eat them.

Luckily I had another can of Check Peas in the cupboard. This one a house brand from Trader Joe's. I opened it and they tasted good. I tossed the "Great Value" brand and threw the Trader's Joe's brand into the arugula.

And now on to the garlic I wanted to use in beans. Hadn't thought much about how exceptionally cheap the sleeve of 5 smallish heads of garlic had been at the big Mexican Spermercado till I noticed where they were from: China! I sniffed them, and they smelled like a chemical. Out they went to the rubbish..though a couple of the cloves had already been crushed and added to the beans.

Lesson learned, cheapest is usually cheapest for a reason. We're lucky to have teh luxury to throw away suspicious food and buy a higher priced option. Many arent' it this position as the original post disucsses.

Naomi said...

Are you going to watch that programme on cheap supermarket food that's part of British Food Week on BBC? Could put you right off eating anything you haven't grown yourself!